Business owners should contact Casey Dorton, Hickman County Clerk, for information about getting a business license. Business owners can register electronically using the Department of Revenue’s Online Services shown below. All businesses required to submit tax returns and payments must do so electronically. This requires a username and password. Please visit Revenue’s Online Services page for more information. You must also know your business classification, described here.
A $15 registration fee is required for all new businesses having standard business licenses and must be paid before the initial license is issued. Businesses having minimal activity licenses are also required to pay a $15 initial fee and $15 annually to renew their licenses. For questions on tax law, filing and paying business taxes and other account-related issues, please contact the Department of Revenue at (615) 253-0600 (Nashville-area and out-of-state) or (800) 342-1003 (toll-free in Tennessee).
See also the online services on this site for business licensing.